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Let Digital Sun Light The Way


What comes across our desk the most is that our customers tell us they have owned several other grow lights before buying one of ours, and they always say they wish they had found us first!


We see new, and experienced, growers constantly worrying about what light to buy online. Let's be honest, shopping for a light online can be a bit overwhelming, without a lot of lighting knowledge.


Most of the time it results in the customer (you) overpaying for a lower quality, falsely advertised, product. For example, you buy a leading brand light on Amazon that had "5 star" reviews, but you realize you could have gotten better for the money that was spent, but where do you go?

This is what drove us to take the step forward in making sure that we provide customized lights for every GGD client tailored to his, or her, individual needs.


Our Digital sun line is completely consists of Budget and Custom lighting made to fit any need you may have while growing indoors. All of our clients start with a 15-minute, free, consultation to ensure you are not under or over buying for your needs. We will assess your growing style to help make sure you get what exactly you need, while staying within your budget!

With our Digital Sun line, the brand or type of LED Diode, and the KELVIN of the light can be customized to replicate Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium, or even Compact Fluorescent Light! You will have a choice of driver manufacture and the option for UV/IR control, as well as Nanometer customization for UV/IR.

All of our lights have been designed with engineers to make sure you get maximum yield and trichome production out of your plant.


Some of our lights come with smartphone control, LCD spectral displays, and even have built-in timers! We have lights to suit any garden from seedlings all the way to flowering large plants! 

Here at Great Green Door, we have you covered from ceiling to floor!

Schedule Your Consult Now!

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